CPA Marketing Bangla Tutorial | CPA Learner

CPA Marketing Bangla Tutorial

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Paid Campaign Success Blueprint is the best complete course for success in CPA marketing Bangladesh. In this CPA marketing bangla tutorial you will learn step by step of CPA marketing methods. Which will guide you to make money online in CPA marketing Bangladesh.

There are some other courses of CPA paid marketing bangla tutorial but you will learn many secret hidden tips from this “Paid Campaign Success Blueprint” CPA marketing course in Bangladesh.

What you will learn from cpa paid marketing bangla tutorial?

You will learn a lot of things to get success through cpa paid marketing bangla tutorial. এই cpa marketing course bangla থেকে আপনি Basic থেকে Advanced Level এ নিজের Skill develop করে যেকোনো ধরনের Paid Campaign (Native ads, Google ads, Bing ads, Facebook ads, Pay per call ads, YouTube ads, Pinterest ads etc.) করে টাকা উপার্জন করতে পারবেন ।

শুধু ক্যাম্পেইন করলেই যদি প্রফিট হত তাহলে কেও লস করত না । প্রফিট করতে হলে আপনাকে সঠিক পদ্ধতিতে  ক্যাম্পেইন করতে হবে । আর “𝗣𝗮𝗶𝗱 𝗖𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗴𝗻 𝗦𝘂𝗰𝗰𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗕𝗹𝘂𝗲𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗻𝘁” কোর্স করলে সফল হওয়ার জন্য যেসব বিষয় গুলি অবশ্যই জানা এবং শেখা দরকার তার সবই সঠিক ভাবে শিখতে পারবেন ইন শা আল্লাহ্ ।

এটি Recorded video lessons. Video lessons গুলিতে কাজের সব পদ্ধতি একদম হাতে কলমে করে দেখানো হয়েছে । Moshiur Sir, খুবই আন্তরিক ভাবে প্রত্যেকটা বিষয় খুব সহজ ভাবে বোঝাতে চেষ্টা করেছেন । মনে হয় না Video lessons এ এমন কোন Video আছে যা আপনার বুঝতে অসুবিধা হবে। তারপর ও Moshiur Sir Student দের Facebook Private Group, Skype support group এবং প্রয়জনে Live class নিয়ে Support দিয়ে থাকেন ।

আপনারা চাইলে Moshiur Sir এর সাথে সরাসরি যোগাযোগ করতে পারেন । স্যার এর WhatsApp number: 01917755995.

CPA Marketing কি

CPA Marketing Meaning

CPA stands for Cost Per Action acquisition. So, CPA marketing meaning is cost-per-action / acquisition marketing. What is CPA marketing in Bangla? To answer this question more elaborately, we can say that, through CPA marketing, CPA marketers received the commission from the CPA network by promoting the CPA offers.

More elaborately way we can say, the CPA network pays for an advertisement that results in any outcome, like free signing up for a trial account/newsletter / downloading any brochure / eBook/doc file / Email submit/ PIN submit, etc. This type of offer is known as a PPL offer, which means “Pay Per Lead”.

There is a small difference between CPA marketing and Affiliate marketing. In affiliate marketing, CPA and Affiliate network pay to the affiliate marketers the sales commission after the successful sales. This type of offer is known as a PPS offer, which means “Pay Per Sale”.

Whereas for CPA marketing, successful sales are not mandatory to get the commissions. Here, the marketer gets the commissions based on the unique leads. For example, You can get a lead, i.e a commission, when a unique visitor downloads CPA marketing Bangla book pdf based on your promoting offers.

Now a question can come to your mind then how come an advertiser makes money to provide commissions to the CPA marketer. Well, the advertiser collects those leads from the CPA marketer and they send higher offer to those users and makes money. For example: For a unique lead if a CPA marketer gets 3 USD, then through that collected leads advertiser can make 100 USD from the successful sales.

How to Learn CPA Marketing Bangla?

You may face difficulties to get the best CPA marketing Bangla tutorial but you may get relief getting to know that CPA Learner comes ahead with the best CPA marketing courses and affiliate marketing courses. So, you don’t have to worry about learning CPA marketing in Bangladesh.

CPA Learner’s Moshiur Sir launches several courses based on making money online. Among them, his most popular cpa marketing bangla tutorial is “Paid Campaign Success Blueprint”. Now you have the answer regarding how to learn cpa marketing bangla. From this tutorial, you will learn all the updated methods, tips and tricks to earn money from cpa marketing.

Properly learning this course, you can even take this as your full-time profession as well. Another thing you should keep in your mind that is there is no shortcut of getting success. You have to learn a lot and practice a lot. Through the guidelines of Moshiur Sir, you can do these things easily.

 Affiliate Marketing Bangla Tutorial

There is no basic difference between the Affiliate marketing bangla tutorial and CPA marketing bangla tutorial. Basically, the course is the same for both. The reason for this is that the promotion method or marketing strategy is almost the same even the traffic source is the same for both CPA and affiliate marketing products. Affiliate marketer gets sales commissions, which is called PPS offers. CPA marketer gets unique lead commissions, which is a small buck usually which is called PPL offers.  

Is CPA Marketing Halal?

Lots of Islams practicing brothers and sisters asked that Is CPA marketing halal? Is affiliate marketing halal? Is affiliate marketing haram? The answer is if you promote a halal or non-haram product in CPA or affiliate marketing, then why CPA / affiliate marketing would be haram?

For example: If you promote a “Drone” then definitely it would not be haram but if you promote a dating offer, then this is clearly haram as per the Muslim religion. Islam doesn’t allow any kind of romantic relationship before marriage. So, this is up to you or the CPA /affiliate marketer to choose the halal / haram products /offer among CPA / affiliate networks.

Difference Between CPA Marketing and Freelancing:

CPA marketing is one kind of digital marketing where you have to promote CPA networks products using their given URL, called affiliate URL. The URL will keep track of you all the clicks, impressions and sales. CPA marketers didn’t need to bit to get the work. He can promote the offer right away after login into the network in most cases and some network cap marketers need pre-approval from the affiliate managers to get approval to run some private offers.

On the other hand, freelancers take contractual work from the freelancing marketplace or from direct organizations. From the marketplace, freelancers had to bit for the work. If he/she wins the bit then he/she got the job. Popular freelancing marketplaces are Upwork, Fiverr,, etc.

Do you not have enough money to run a paid campaign?

If you do not have enough money to run a paid campaign, then no need to worry. By learning the CPA marketing bangla tutorial, you can work as a freelancer in the freelancing marketplace as well as in direct organizations. This course is basically an advanced method of digital marketing. So, you can create gigs in the marketplace, you can bit for the work. You can provide service to clients and organizations.

From Cpalearner’s CPA marketing Bangla tutorial you will get top-level support and guidelines which will lead you to the get success.


Is it CPA marketing free course?

This is not a CPA marketing free course, this is one of the best CPA marketing paid course that you can find. The course is comprehensive and will provide you with all the necessary information and step-by-step instructions that you need to become a successful CPA marketer. It will cover a range of topics, including the basics of CPA, the different types of CPA campaigns, and how to optimize them for maximum profit. It will also include case studies to help you understand how to apply the strategies and techniques to real-world situations. Finally, the course will provide you with a suite of resources to help you stay on top of the latest developments in the industry. After taking the course, you will be armed with the skills and knowledge you need to become a successful CPA marketer. So, if you’re serious about taking your CPA marketing career to the next level, then this is definitely the course for you.

CPA marketing Bangla tutorial  Reviews

Student success story | cpa paid marketing | cpa marketing bangla tutorial
Student success story | cpa paid marketing | cpa marketing bangla tutorial

Sabiha is a passionate blogger who does Online Marketing, in that order. She also thinks CPA Learner has the Best Online Marketing Courses out there.

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